The Global Cost of Unhealthy Diets: 8 Trillion Dollars


The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has released a striking report revealing the impact of unhealthy dietary habits on global agri-food systems. According to the report, industrialized food systems, particularly in developed countries, incur an annual hidden cost of $8 trillion.

FAO identified 13 dietary risk factors, with prominent issues including insufficient consumption of whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, excessive sodium intake, and high levels of red and processed meat consumption.

FAO Director-General QU Dongyu emphasizes the crucial importance of transforming global agri-food systems for a sustainable future. For this transformation to succeed, joint efforts are required from primary producers, agricultural enterprises, governments, financial institutions, international organizations, and consumers.

The report calls for urgent action to reshape agri-food systems to support food security, nutrition, biodiversity conservation, and cultural identity, making them more sustainable and efficient.


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